Tuscan Dreams, Midwestern Charm
Villa Bellezza’s Preferred Wedding Vendors
Villa Bellezza
gives you…
Breathtaking Tuscan-inspired winery venue
Diverse lodging options from cozy B&Bs to luxurious Airbnbs
Access to our curated list of top-tier local vendors
Guidance from our dedicated venue team for seamless planning

Villa Bellezza Complete Vendor List
Picture your perfect day in our breathtaking winery venue. Rolling vineyards, Italian-inspired architecture, and world-class wines set the stage for an unforgettable celebration. Our curated vendor list makes planning a breeze, connecting you with the area’s finest professionals. Discover how Villa Bellezza can transform your wedding dreams into reality.
Catering Services
- D’Amico Catering – Minneapolis, MN
- Website: damicocatering.com
- Phone: (612) 238-4444
- Email: eventmanagers@damico.com
- Deco Catering – Minneapolis, MN
- Website: decocatering.com
- Phone: (612) 623-4477
- Email: info@decocatering.com
- Food Gallery Catering – Minneapolis, MN
- Website: FoodGalleryCatering.com
- Phone: (612) 547-8398
- Email: info@foodgallerycatering.com
- Canadian Honker Catering – Rochester, MN
- Website: canadianhonker.com
- Phone: (507) 361-2141
- Email: jessica@pinnacle.catering
- River Valley Catering – River Falls, WI
- Website: rivervalleycatering.com
- Phone: (651) 600-6240
- Email: info@rivervalleycatering.com
- Steak Shop Catering – Winona, MN
- Website: steakshopcatering.com
- Phone: (507) 452-3150
- Email: steakshop@hbci.com
Note: Your selection of beer, liquor and other beverages will be purchased through Villa Bellezza. Villa Bellezza will also provide your bar service.
Desserts, Wedding Cakes & Confectionery
- Muddy Paws Cheesecake – St. Louis Park, MN
- Website: muddypawscheesecake.com
- Phone: (763) 545-7161
- Email: yummy@muddypawscheesecake.com
- Something Sweet – Coon Rapids, MN
- Website: somethingsweetcakes.com
- Phone: (763) 323-3236
- Email: hello@somethingsweetcakes.com
- Buttercream Cakes & Desserts – Greater Twin Cities, MN & Eau Claire, WI
- Website: buttercream.info
- Phone: (651) 642-9400
- Email: weddings@buttercream.info
- Nothing Bundt Cakes – Rochester, MN
- Website: nothingbundtcakes.com
- Phone: (507) 200-4219
- Email: rochester-mn@nothingbundtcakes.com
- Nothing Bundt Cakes – Woodbury, MN
- Website: nothingbundtcakes.com
- Phone: (651) 340-8190
- Email: woodbury@nothingbundtcakes.com
- Cafe Latte – St. Paul, MN
- Website: cafelatte.com/weddings
- Phone: (651) 224-5687
- Email: weddings@cafelatte.com
- Miss Sara’s Cakery – Hastings, MN
- Website: misssarascakery.com
- Phone: (651) 304-2108
- Email: sara@misssarascakery.com
- Sweet Assurance – Bloomington, MN
- Website: sweetassurance.com
- Phone: (612) 749-5477
- Email: sweetassurance77@gmail.com
- Bo-Jo’s Creations Floral, Cakes & Gifts – Ellsworth, WI
- Website: bojoscreations.com
- Phone: (715) 273-3112
- Email: bojosflrl@sbcglobal.net
- Fun Factory Sweet Shoppe – Rhinelander, WI
- Website: funfactorysweets.com
- Phone: (715) 369-3451
- Email: funfactorysweets@gmail.com
- La Vita Espresso – Minneapolis, MN
- Website: coffeeshopcatereing.com
- Phone: (612) 746-3975
Florists & Decorators
- Huldra Floral Co. – Plum City, WI
- Website: huldrafloral.com
- Phone: (651) 380-0386
- Email: lisa@huldrafloral.com
- Clementine – Red Wing, MN
- Website: flowersbyclementine.com
- Phone: (651) 800-2060
- Email: flowersfromclementine@gmail.com
- Fox & Fern Floral – Rochester, MN
- Website: foxandfernfloral.com
- Phone: (507) 405-0901
- Email: bloom@foxandfernfloral.com
- Jennifer Joyce Design
- Website: jenniferjoycedesign.com
- Phone: (715) 505-1880
- Email: jenniferjoycedesign@gmail.com
- Allure – Menomonie, WI
- Website: allureeventflorists.com
- Phone: (715) 235-0902
- Email: lacy@allureeventflorists.com
- Sweet Peas Floral – Woodbury, MN
- Website: sweetpeasfloral.com
- Phone: (651) 730-9115
- Email: tara@sweetpeasfloral.com
- Johnny and Dottie – Minnesota
- Website: johnnyanddottie.com
- Phone: (507) 829-1422
- Email: lisa@simplyfabeventdesign.com
- Rose and Laurel – Lakeville, MN
- Website: roseandlaurelmn.com
- Phone: (712) 578-8835
- Email: sarah@roseandlaurel
- 651 Studio Floral – Red Wing, MN
- Website: 651studiofloral.com
- Phone: (701) 290-8269
- Email: 651studiofloral@gmail.com
- Kallstrom Flowers – Arkansaw, WI
- Website: www.kallstromflowers.com
- Phone: (715) 495-7049
- Email: kallstromflowers@gmail.com
- A Day in Provence – Minneapolis, MN
- Website: adayinprovence.com
- Phone: (651) 260-5157
- Email: tara@adayinprovence.com
- EL Design Floral – Wisconsin | Minnesota
- Website: eldesignflowers.com
- Email: eldesignflowers@yahoo.com
- Something Borrowed Blooms
- Website: somethingborrowedblooms.com
- Phone: (844) 879-6222
- Email: info@sbblooms.com
- Bo-Jo’s Creations Floral – Ellsworth, WI
- Website: bo-joscreationsfloral.com
- Phone: (715) 273-3112
- Email: bojosflrl@sbcglobal.net
- Ashley Fox Design – Minneapolis, MN
- Website: ashleyfoxdesigns.com
- Phone: (952) 393-4080
- Email: info@ashleyfoxdesigns.com
- Love You More – Stockholm, WI
- Phone: (651) 578-8505
- Email: loveyoumorefloral@gmail.com
- Sadie’s Couture Floral – Minneapolis, MN
- Website: sadiesfloral.com
- Phone: (651) 707-7689
- Email: info@sadiesfloral.com
- Shasta Bell Calligraphy – Minneapolis
- Website: shastabell.com
- Phone: (715) 222-6797
- Email: info@shastabell.com
Décor Rental & Setup
- Be Things Rental – Minneapolis, MN
- Website: bethingsrentals.com
- Phone: (612) 790-3308
- Email: sales@bethingsrentals.com, paloma.mohler@bethingsrental.com
- Apres Party Rental & Lighting Services
- Website: apresparty.com
- Phone: (952) 942-3399
- Email: abach@apresparty.com
- Sweet Legacy – Eau Claire, WI
- Website: sweetlegacy.net
- Phone: (715) 514-2946
- Email: thegirls@sweetlegacy.net
- Festivities – Minnetonka, MN
- Website: festivitiesmn.com
- Phone: (763) 682-4846
- Email: events@festivitiesMN.com
- We’ve Got It Covered – Woodbury, MN
- Website: https://www.wevegotitcovered.net/
- Phone: (651) 214-6673
- Email: erin@wevegotitcovered.net
- Positively Charmed- Boutique Décor & Floral
- Website: decorforweddings.com
- Phone: (612) 382-2960
- Email: leslie@decorforweddings.com
- Phos Events
- Website: phosevents.com
- Phone: (763) 972-6113
- Email: info@phosevents.com
- Vick Photography – St. Louis Park MN
- Website: vickphotography.com
- Phone: (952) 929-4295
- Shane Long Photography
- Website: shanelongphotography.com
- Phone: (651) 402-1151
- Vinspired Photography
- Website: northernlightsessentials.com/vinspired
- Email: vins@vinspiredphotography.com
- Charise Healy Photography
- Website: charisehealyphotography.com
- Phone: (651) 955-9122
- Beau Peterson Photography – Hayward, WI
- Website: ownyoursmile.com
- Phone: (715) 699-1225
- Email: bp@ownyoursmile
- DnK Photography – Minneapolis, MN
- Website: dnkphotography.com
- Phone: (612) 758-0818
- Jeannine Marie Photography
- Website: jeanninemarie.com
- Phone: (651) 434-1578
- Email: info@jeanninemarie.com
- Unique Touch Photography – Rochester, MN
- Website: uniquetouchphotography.com
- Phone: (507) 254-0462
- Email: uniquetouch22@yahoo.com
- Lindsay Nicole Photography
- Website: lindsaynphoto.com
- Phone: (651) 343-2922
- Email: hello@lindsaynphoto.com
- Laura Alpizar Photography
- Website: lauraalpizar.com
- Phone: (612) 444-6009
- Email: info@lauraalpizar.com
- Midwest Lifeshots
- Website: midwestlifeshots.com
- Phone: (507) 951-8859
- Email: info@midwestlifeshots.com
- Brovado Weddings
- Website: brovadoweddings.com
- Phone: (612) 242-8655
- Email: info@brovadoweddings.com
- Janelle Elise Photography
- Website: janelleelise.com
- Phone: (952) 393-3749
- Email: JanelleElisephotography@gmail.com
- Chasing Lilies Photography
- Website: chasingliliesphotography.com
- Phone: (608) 239-8610
- Lara Leimbach Photography
- Website: laraphotos.com
- Phone: (612) 910-8769
- Whitley B Photography
- Website: whitleybphotography.com
- Email: whitleybphotography@gmail.com
- Dani Stephenson Photography
- Website: danistephenson.com
- Email: Danistephenson@hotmail.com
- O & B Photo Co.
- Website: www.oandbphotoco.com
- Phone: (715) 252-4940
- Email: olivia@oandbphotoco.com
- Photogen, Inc. – Minneapolis, MN
- Website: photogen-inc.com
- Phone: (651) 494-2257
- Email: eliesa@photogen-inc.com
- Life & Style Photography
- Website: lifeandstylephotography.com
- Phone: (715) 642-0101
- Sassy Pants Photography
- Website: sassypants.photo
- Phone: (612) 804-6374
- Amanda Nippoldt Photography
- Website: amandanippoldt.com
- Email: hello@amandanippoldt.com
- Phone: (507) 250-1158
- Shasta Bell Photographie – Minneapolis
- Website: shastabellphotographie.com
- Email: info@shastabellphotographie.com
- Phone: 715.222.6797
- Melissa Oholendt Photography
- Website: melissaoholendt.com
- Capture the Moments Productions
- Website: ctmoments.com
- Phone: (651) 503-7279
- Email: jason@ctmoments.com
- Anthony Begley Cinematography – Sioux Falls SD & Twin Cities MN
- Website: anthonybegley.com
- Phone: (507) 351-8410
- Email: info@anthonybegley.com
- L+NS Cinematography
- Website: lnscinematography
- Phone: (612) 756-4702
- Email: lnscinematography@gmail.com
- Adagio Djay Entertainment – St. Paul, MN & Hastings, MN
- Website: adagiodj.com
- Phone: (800) 861-3691
- Kost Productions
- Website: kostproductions.com
- Videography Minnesota
- Website: videographyminnesota.com
- Email: trevorlucking@gmail.com
- Story of Us Films – Little Canada MN
- Website: storyofusfilms.com
- Phone: (651) 357-0444
- Email: https://storyofusfilms.com/contact/
- Lone Pine Collective
- Website: lonepinecollective.com
- Phone: (715) 495-0043
- Email: lonepinecollective@gmail.com
- Walter Mueller Studios
- Website: waltermuellerstudios.com
- Phone: (715) 577-4537
- Email: waltermuellerstudios@gmail.com
- The Pros – Minneapolis MN
- Website: thepros.com/video
- Nick Peterson Videography
- Website: piffpeterson.com
- Email: nickpeterson2020@gmail.com
Photo Booths & DJ’s / Entertainment
- The Traveling Photo Booth
- Website: thetravelingphotobooth.com
- Phone: (612) 605-9203
- Northern Sound Entertainment
- Website: northernsoundentertainment.com
- Phone: (612) 306-2831
- Showtime Entertainment
- Website: showtimeentertainmentllc.com
- Phone: (715) 821-1100
- Generation Now Entertainment – Minneapolis, MN
- Website: generationNOWdjs.com
- Phone: (612) 730-2418
- Midwest Sound DJ Entertainment
- Website: midwestsound.com
- Phone: (651) 644-4111
- Bellagala
- Website: bellagala.com
- Phone: (651) 277-1202
- Email: info@bellagala.com
- Adagio Djay Entertainment – St. Paul, MN & Hastings, MN
- Website: adagiodj.com
- Phone: (800) 861-3691
- Instant Request
- Website: instantrequest.com
- Phone: (952) 934-6110
Wedding Planners
- Artful Events & Design – Minneapolis, MN
- Website: artfuleventsdesign.com
- Phone: (612) 208-6420
- Email: hello@artfuleventsdesign.com
- HappiLily Events
- Website: happililyevents.com
- Phone: (612) 599-3776
- Email: hello@happililyevents.com
- Denae Brennan Weddings & Events – Twin Cities, MN
- Website: denaebrennan.com
- Phone: (612) 271-3605
- Email: hello@denaebrennan.com
- Sixpence Events & Planning – Bloomington, MN
- Website: sixpenceeventsmn.com
- Phone: (425) 327-7148
- Email: hello@sixpenceeventsmn.com
- Events By Melody – Minneapolis, MN
- Website: eventsbymelodymn.com
- Phone: (952) 388-3622
- Email: info@eventsbymelodymn.com
- Johnny and Dottie – Minnesota
- Website: johnnyanddottie.com
- Phone: (507) 829-1422
- Email: lisa@johnnyanddottie.com
- The Simply Elegant Group
- Website: thesimplyelegantgroup.com
- Phone: (763) 350-8323
- Email: info@thesimplyelegantgroup.com
- Fab Event Design – Minneapolis, MN
- Website: fabeventdesign.com
- Phone: (612) 850-1552
- Email: hello@fabeventdesign.com
- J’aime Events – Maple Grove, MN
- Website: jaimeevents.com
- Phone: (651) 317-4512
- Email: info@jaimeevents.com
- Mother of the Bride Wedding Planning & Design – Spring Park, MN
- Website: mother-of-the-bride.com
- Phone: (763) 479-2171
- Email: Nicollesellers@gmail.com
- Premier Wedding Planning Services – Minnesota
- Website: premierplanningservices.com
- Phone: (952) 922-3859
- Email: events@premierplanningservices.com
- Ashley Skeie Weddings & Events – Minnesota
- Website: ashleyskeie.com
- Phone: (763) 486-8872
- Email: hello@ashleyskeie.com
Transportation Services
- Lorenz Bus Service – Minneapolis, MN
- Website: lorenzbus.com
- Phone: (763) 784-7196
- Email: info@lorenzbus.com
- Pulse Party Bus – Menomonie, WI
- Website: pulsepartybus.com
- Phone: (715) 313-4530
- Star Transportation – Rochester MN & Eagan MN
- Website: limostar.com
- Phone: (866) 440-2907
- White Glove Shuttle Service – Red Wing, MN
- Website: eddieswhitegloveshuttle.com
- Phone: (651) 212-3385
- Email: eddieswhiteglovedetailing@gmail.com
- Total Transportation – Minneapolis, MN
- Website: totallimo.com
- Phone: (651) 770-5668
- Email: rachel@totallimo.com
- Minnesota Coaches – Hastings, MN
- Website: minnesotacoaches.com
- Phone: (651) 437-9648
- Email: mkarlen@minnesotacoaches.com
- Rochester Bus Service – Rochester, MN
- Website: rochesterbusservice.com
- Phone: (507) 289-8950
- Email: dtimmerman@minnesotacoaches.com
- Premier Transportation – Minneapolis, MN
- Website: premiertrans.com
- Phone: (612) 331-7433 ext. 103
- Email: reservations@premiertrans.com
- GetAway Bus Service – Eau Claire, WI
- Website: eauclairepartybuslimo.com
- Phone: (715) 559-2858
- Renee’s Limousine – Minneapolis, MN
- Website: reneeslimousines.com
- Phone: (763) 551-1919
- Email: info@reneeslimousines.com
- Custom Ceremonies by Positively Charmed
- Website: positivelycharmed.com
- Phone: (612) 382-2960
- Email: leslie@positivelycharmed.com
- Class Act
- Website: www.theclassact.com/wedding-officiant.html
- Phone: (651) 429-6576
- Pastor Dan Richardson
- Phone: (715) 285-5823
- Grand Avenue Wedding Officiants
- Website: grandavenueweddingofficiants.com
- Phone: (612) 616-3782
- Email: carolyn@grandofficiants.com
- Father Steve Prokop
- Website: weddingofficiant.us
- Phone: (651) 698-5569
Live Music
- Dan Newton’s Café Accordion Orchestra – St. Paul, MN
- Website: cafeaccordion.com
- Phone: (651) 488-1174
- Daniel Switch Music
- Website: danielswitch.com
- Phone: (651) 307-0032
- Email: danielswitchmusic@gmail.com
- Elan Artists
- Website: elanartists.com
- Phone: (888) 800-3526
- Jennifer Grimm Music
- Website: jennifergrimm.com
- Phone: (612) 986-9383
- Email: jennifer@jennifergrimm.com
- Brass Menagerie
- Website: brassmenagerie.com
- Phone: (612) 386-3489
- Bluewater Kings Band
- Website: bluewaterkingsband.com
- Phone: (810) 214-0020
- Email: info@bluewaterkingsband.com
- Kyle Tennis & Riverside Music
- Website: riversideswingband.com
- Phone: (651) 325-8435
- Email: ketennis@hotmail.com
- Chris Ward
- Website: chriswardharpist.blogspot.com
- Phone: (952) 461-4682
- Email: chriswardharpist.blogspot.com
- Sharon Planer
- Website: pianistforparties.com
- Phone: (612) 845-1970
- Email: sharon@pianistforparties.com
- Michael Shynes
- Website: michaelshynes.com
- Phone: (612) 978-5005
- Rock It Man Entertainment
- Website: rockitmanentertainment.com
- Phone: (612) 214-2197
- Email: info@rockitmanentertainment.com
- Serena O’Meara
- Website: omearamusic.com
- Indigo Salon & Day Spa – Red Wing, MN
- Address: 325 Main Street, Red Wing MN
- Website: indigoredwing.com
- Phone: (651) 388-7818
- Fresh Impressions Salon – Pepin, WI
- Address: 910 Third Street, Pepin WI
- Website: freshimpressionssalon.com
- Phone: (715) 442-2525
- Saylon Seven – Eau Claire, WI
- Website: saylonseven.com
- Phone: (715) 836-7771
- Email: sabrina@saylonseven.com
- S.W.A.T. – Salon With A Twist – Red Wing, MN
- Address: 1610 West Third Street, Red Wing MN
- Website: salonwithatwist.com
- Phone: (651) 327-2100
- Email: info@salonwithatwist.com
- War Paint – Minneapolis, MN
- Website: warpaintinternational.com
- Phone: (917) 740-2896
- SM Hair & Makeup – Minneapolis, MN
- Website: smhairandmakeup.com
- Phone: (612) 361-1967
- Pure Identity Salon & Spa – Wabasha, MN
- Website: pureidentityspa.com
- Phone: (651) 565-4393
Framing, Engraving & Memorabilia
- Backwoods Custom Framing – Red Wing, MN
- Website: backwoodscustomframing.com
- Phone: (651) 388-1059
- Email: info@backwoodscustomframing.com
- Dancing Bear Chocolate
- Website: facebook.com/dancingbearchocolate/
- Phone: (612) 254-4354
- Velvet Raptor
- Website: velvetraptor.com
- Email: sales@velvetraptor.com
For Your Pets
- Doggie Social MN
- Website: doggiesocialwedding.com
- Phone: (651) 205-4026
2 Minute Watch Time
Picture Yourself Here ⟶
Soar over sun-kissed vineyards, wander through our Tuscan-inspired villa, and savor the flavors of our award-winning wines. This aerial journey offers a taste of the magic awaiting you and your guests. Press play and envision your perfect day unfolding in our enchanting setting.
We had an amazing experience at Villa Bellezza. The location is STUNNING, you would never guess you were in Pepin, Wisconsin. The location has tons of space and is very beautiful and romantic. It has a timeless, classic feel that reminds me of Italy! My husband and I got engaged in Italy and it was the perfect location for us. The staff does a great job helping plan and prepare your big day! You will absolutely love working with them. I had my dream wedding at Villa Bellezza – it was a romantic, classic, perfect day!
– Jade W